20 Sex Mistakes In Relationships

20 Sex Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Sex is a great couple’s activity, physical intimacy many people crave in a relationship. A healthy, happy sex life can result in a fulfilling romantic relationship. Do not be fooled into thinking that only men love sex, women love it as much as any bloke, but in a different way. The main thing you should remember is that man and woman love sex for different reasons, and so there are a lot of mistakes waiting to happen in physical intimacy many people crave in a relationship.

A healthy, happy sex life can result in a fulfilling romantic relationship. Do not be fooled into thinking that only men love sex, women love it as much as any bloke, but in a different way. The main thing you should remember is that man and woman love sex for different reasons, and so there are a lot of mistakes waiting to happen.

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This list is for men and women, but some mistakes are more gender specific. The twenty mistakes that you’re probably making, and hopefully you can fix them.

1. Body-Conscious

A girl is conscious about the flaws on her body, while a man thinks he is Adonis. Overthinking and underthinking your body image can make sex a little awkward. Men do not pay attention to muffin tops, but a woman thinks a man can be too hairy. If you are body conscious, focus on your strength, and accentuate them to pull attention off your weaker points.

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2. No Time For Self

Between work and family, a person can feel ragged from all the running around. Not having some time to relax and can make having sex feel like a chore. Take a breather, and get some alone time before having sex. A manicure or pedicure can help you feel beautiful and attractive, making sex better later.

3. No Mental Foreplay

Mental foreplay means the flirting, hinting and words to build up anticipation. Telling your partner that you are looking forward to having mind-blowing sex can help set the mood. It helps if you find a reliable babysitter to make sure nothing goes wrong. Make sure you prepare your partner mentally too.

4. Too Much in Control

It is hard to enjoy the deed when you are fighting for control. Sex is a form of physical intimacy, not a wrestling show. There is no single winner. Plus, being too much in control can make your partner feel neglected. Relinquish some and let the partner decide what to do next.

5. Not Being Too Assertive

Not telling your partner what you want can be a downer for sex. No one can read minds, and if you tell, the experience will be better for the both of you. If you are shy, you can always do it before having sex, using a diagram.

6. Not Paying Attention After

Not paying attention to your partner after sex is a typical man thing. But a woman needs to be cuddled and talked to after intimacy. Man’s brain is not wired that way, so it might be a struggle to pay attention after sex. If you do, the payout is great in the future.

7. Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol lowers inhibition, but it also changes blood flow. Hence, it is harder to reach orgasm when you have too much to drink. Piling your partner with alcohol does not work either, you would be too drunk to enjoy the intimacy. A little alcohol is fine to get the atmosphere going, but not falling down drunk.

8. Not Using Lubricant

Using lubricant impacts the sex positively, because it enhances the experience. Many people think that using the lube means that something is lacking. Sometimes it may be that stress had made the body produce less lubricant, so using extra will make deed go smoother. No shame in that.

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9. Faking It

Faking an orgasm is a mistake most girls make, thinking that she would please her partner. To the partner, it can be an insult. It also hints that the partner is not a good sexual partner, but she is just too shy to say it.

10. Bathroom Business

Going to the bathroom before sex is good, but not cleaning up is bad. If you are planning oral sex, which you should, do wash up after going to the bathroom. Use special soap intended for private parts to get it clean without residue.

11. Wrong Positions

Not all sexual positions are made equal, and not everyone is yoga masters. Some sexual positions are just not suitable for you and your partner. Instead of forcing the issue, try a different pose. If you have a favorite one, fall back on that one if the new position does not work out.

12. No Dirty Talk

Men love to listen to a dirty talk. It gets them in the mood. But most girls are reluctant to indulge in that harmless fantasy. Fortunately, the Internet has many ideas about dirty talking. You can practice it to expand your comfort zone; it will certainly please the guy.

13. Unsexy Pictures

Imagine when you are going low, and you saw photos of the parents smiling down at you. That is definitely a mistake having them around. Try to put photos of non-relevant people outside of the bedroom. Better yet, hide them in the photo albums, just in case you want to explore outside the bedroom.

14. Not Enough Physical Contact

Apart from flirting, you need to have good physical contact to promote sexual intimacy. Not having enough touches between sex can lead to awkwardness. Some people are more touchy-feely than others and will find the lack of contact disturbing. A little touch at the back or arms frequently is a good for physical intimacy.

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15. No Eye Contact

Even if you kiss with your eyes closed, you can have sex and eye contact. It is acceptable if you look away now and then, but avoiding eye contact before and after sex can spell disaster for a relationship. It might be funny or cute initially, but after knowing each other, it will be annoying.

16. Lacking Creativity

Once you do too many missionary positions, sex can get boring and monotonous. Spice it up by introducing something new in sex habits. Like maybe doing it in the shower, or buy a new sex toy to experiment. Of course, if you are both keen, you can explore other more extreme options.

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17. It Takes Two

It takes two to have sex, only one to masturbate. When things do not work out, do not blame it solely on your partner. You have a role in sex too. If it is not right, it takes two to make it better. The blame game never helps make things better.

18. Only Doing It At Night

People just do it at night usually because that is the time they have alone together. But you do not have to have sex when it is dark out. Take a day out, and rent a hotel. Have sex in the morning or a quickie after lunch. The change may excite you even more.

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19. Bedroom Only

Having sex in the bedroom only can be a dull scene. Most adventurous couples find sex fun and exciting because they do not restrict the location. Try doing it on the kitchen top or dining table, wherever you and your partner have fantasized before.

20. No Compliments

Not complimenting about your partner’s efforts in general and create a resentful environment. Just a short statement made from the heart can make a lot of difference. Acknowledge the effort and thought, and thank your partner for a good time.

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