Are You Guilty Of Micro-Cheating?

What Counts As Micro-Cheating?

You would perhaps be surprised to know that, you are likely to be accused of micro-cheating if you are using somewhat romantically charged emojis during your conversation with someone else outside your relationship. The new coinage of word ‘micro-cheating’ is the latest form of infidelity in today’s digital world.

In our day-to-day life, we do not give much importance to such gestures and deal with it very casually. However, the fact is this new form of infidelity can affect your personal life, and you may be accused of micro-cheating your partner without even realizing it.

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Micro-cheating can be termed as a new form of Puritanism crawling into relations between genders. It is a new way of being involved in unfaithful behavior often even without knowing it.

How can you protect yourself from being accused of micro-cheating? We have to carefully evaluate the potential behavioral traits, which may cause your partner to accuse you of micro-cheating. Let us have a look.

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Micro-cheating is a behavioral pattern bordering between flirting and unfaithfulness. It may be a quiet online conversation with a person outside your relationship. It may also be your secretive mentality of saving somebody under a false name in your contacts.

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If you happen to be guilty of committing any of the above, you will be termed as a micro-cheater. Some innocuous looking actions can have potential relation damaging prospects, such as, when you emotionally or physically get involved with someone outside your relationship, you will surely be accused of micro-cheating.

We may discuss the potential behavioral patterns of micro-cheaters, breaking the traits point by point to have an ease of understanding.

1. Your Gestures

Even the smallest of gestures towards other people outside your relationship counts. You are in a relationship and are committed to keeping the sanctity of your relationship. You are required to be 100% faithful to your partner to maintain that.

You may, at times feel attracted to other persons as well. It is your mind, and you must have control over it. Whatever may be the provocation, when you are committed to a relationship, you must guard the sanctity of your relationship with passion, keen enthusiasm, and devotion.

You cannot make romantic or overtly sexual gestures to other persons without the knowledge and consent of your partner. Any such display of gestures will be enough to label you as another Micro-cheater.

2. Hiding Relevant Information

When you are out to cheat your partner, you tend to hide personal information from him/her. This personal information may be of different kinds, and your partner’s interests may also be related to it.

You are making a secret online conversation with someone else or saving somebody’s contact info under a fake name. All these actions are deemed as micro-cheating and fall under the category of hiding relevant information from your partner.

3. Faking Your Relationship Status

It has often been seen that people prefer to hide their original relationship status and declare themselves as single mostly on social media platforms. Sometimes these people make it more ambiguous by terming their relationship status as ‘complicated.’

All these faking is done to woo potential other relationship seekers, in spite of having an authentic and steady relationship already in place. When you feel guilty of hiding your true persona to others as well as to your partner, you try to confuse everyone by giving such imprecise account of your relationship status. Such falsification is a sure-shot sign of micro-cheating.

4. Making A Compulsive Habit Of  Checking A third Person’s Social Media Accounts

Perhaps you have an obsessive desire to romance a person outside your relationship. You are very keen to know everything possible about the person. To fulfill your desire, you made a compulsive habit of stalking the social media accounts of that person on a daily basis.

You are doing all this without the knowledge of your partner. Such acts may seem trivial, but it is a kind of betrayal to your partner and has the potential to destroy a relationship.

5. Emotional Dependence On A Third Person Over Your Partner

You are having a relationship with a person. It is quite natural that you look up to your partner for all kinds of emotional support and find him/her to be the perfect support in times of any emotional turmoil in your life.

However, in spite of having a supportive partner, when you look towards a third person and bank on him/her for any such emotional support neglecting your regular partner, you are cheating on him/her.

6. Disrespecting Your Partner Publicly

When you are in a relationship, you should have mutual concern and respect for each other. You may fight and downplay each other sometimes during your private interactions.

However, you should never disrespect and show your partner in a bad light in front of others. You have to be careful about the well being of your partner and should never indulge in any such behavior publicly, which is abusive or insulting towards him/her. Neglecting or indifferent attitude towards your partner on a public platform can damage your relationship severely.


7. Flirtatious  Behaviour With Others

Flirtatious behavior with a third person surely falls under the purview of micro-cheating. It may be in the form of a provocative, saucy emoji attached to a seductive text. Such flirty behavioral traits are also counted as an instance of Micro-cheating.

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Infidelity like micro-cheating may not be perceived as a big blunder/crime in our society. However, the mentality of trying to make an affair with another person, maybe in a subtle form, shakes the very foundation of a relationship and sows the seeds of future discontent.


Micro-cheating may not be considered an outright form of infidelity; still, it is best to avoid such disloyalty in a sacred relationship.

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